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The Approach

What is Emotional Fitness® ?

Emotional Fitness® is a specific approach consisting of 9 steps, each using a unique framework with Listening Power at its core, proven to be highly effective and self sufficient in promoting personal healing and inner balance, as well as enhancing professional development and relationships. 

What does Emotional Fitness mean for you? Enter our contest below, and let us know. 

Emotional Fitness®

The 9 Steps

Listening Power

Learn to listen to yourself and others more powerfully, create better relationships and become more fulfilled through learning the five stages of Powerful Listening.
Learning From Experience

Review your own experiences, discover what you learned, understand what you need to learn, develop new opportunities for continuous learning and create better experiences for yourself.

Use a scale of ten questions to find out more clearly what satisfies and what frustrates you in your life. Discover how to achieve greater levels of Emotional Fitness.
Time Capsule

Make the connection between your present life patterns and previous experiences. Learn to change old behaviours and beliefs that no longer work for you.
Group Dialogue

Practice this 7-stage process to help people listen in a group setting and facilitate individual learning in groups. Discover the power and synergy of group intelligence focused on concerns relevant to each person.

Create and learn from the stories of your own life. Listen to and learn about yourself through the stories of others.

Make personal sense of your dreams through a step-by-step process of visiting the realm of personal symbolism.
The Mirror 

Learn how to acknowledge yourself. Take a peek into your soul; take time to let it in and to accept yourself as you are.

Use your personal symbols to help make connections at deeper levels. Learn how we are related to our own symbolism and myth.

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The 9 Steps To Emotional Fitness Audiobook


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What does Emotional Fitness mean for you?

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Here Are a Few Ideas

Emotional Fitness is...

- choosing your reactions to people and situations

- coping with pressure in a way that doesn't leave you feeling stressed

- freeing yourself from addictive behavours 

- feeling OK, even when things go wrong

- expressing yourself honestly without needing to put anyone down

- being authentic without worrying about how others see you

- trusting yourself without judging others

- asking for what you want without being attached to the outcome

- listening to others without getting in the way

- understanding and accepting yourself fully

-living your life right now, the way you want


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