Connect The Dots Backward by Jocelyne Wandler (aka Grandma Jo)
Not too long ago, I was listening to a motivational speech by Steve Jobs and I heard him say “Connect the dots backward”. The picture that came to mind is the 2nd step of Emotional Fitness: Learning from Experience. Looking backward to a life filled with experiences and not knowing the worth of lessons attached to them.

Work as a team, develop skills & complement each other
I was very fortunate to have grown in the computer industry where all IS people needed to work as a team and as our skills complemented one another, we needed to consult and work as a team; that’s when a computer sat on a building entire floor.

Best information for the best decision.
I chose the data side of the business, I moved up the ladder with skills I developed on the job where I became a consultant to the team of developers. I was in sync with my values, data integrity: “Best Information for Best Decision”.

Who's programming whose intelligence?
I left when I felt that building empire within the corporation was much more important than anything else. I left when Artificial Intelligence was in infancy stage and I wondered whose intelligence was being programmed, where will that take us? It was over 30 years ago!
Connect the dots backward!
At Emotional Fitness Institute, we believe the answers to problems come from within; do we take time to connect our dots and find solutions? We now have information at the speed of light, at the tip of our fingers, is that good? Do we put more value in our media than in our own self? Are we more satisfied than frustrated? What are the problems? Where are they coming from? Who has the answers? Are problems being solved or are they compounding? Whose voice is the loudest, the most persuasive?

Connecting the dots forward with the power of listening.
Those are questions I am asking myself, what are your questions?
Are we connecting our dots, backward or forward? Are we using our Listening Power? Any thoughts? dot. dot. dot.